Thursday, April 10, 2008


so, i've been lamenting the fact that my children, however slowly they seem to be growing up in my overly sleep-deprived state, are not having their better (or worse) moments chronicled, complete with embarrassing pictures. plus, i'm wasting a bit too much zombie-time on inane facebook timesucks like "sushi-go-round" (yes, a video game -- i may as well be 14! but if you're bored and think you make a mean california roll you should check it out...).

so with that said (and shamefully admitted), i'm feeding my lure to the computer with something more timely....or timeless. let it be said, "She blogged." i'll be buying the minivan next month.

and where are the kidlettes, you say, while i spellcheck my first entry? oh writing on the front door with markers. don't worry, they're washable. they better be, since 2 yr old ethan just announced, "draw on mommy!" and i'd like to wear these jeans out in public again...

1 comment:

ebethbingham said...

I hold you solely responsible for MY addiction to sushi-go-round. To which I play at least once a day. I have not found a "pause" button yet, so when other things ringing etc. they will just have to wait! "I'm almost done with this level!"